A deeper cleaning (known as scaling and root planing) is recommended to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth reducing the number of harmful bacteria and inflammation present. When harmful bacteria are present for long periods of time it will cause attachment/bone loss in infected areas eventually leading to tooth mobility and/or loss. This treatment may be necessary to improve gum health. It is often recommended a patient be seen for periodontal maintenance appointments (cleanings) everything 3-4 months after a deeper cleaning is completed to help maintain good oral health.
A debridement is used to determine if a deeper cleaning is necessary at a future appointment. Most often, a dental hygienist will complete a debridement is s/he is unable to determine the health of the teeth due to excessive tartar buildup. Following a debridement, the hygienist will have the patient return in 4-6 weeks to re-evaluate their oral health using a comprehensive periodontal chart (probing pocket depth) to determine if a deeper cleaning is needed to improve oral health or if the patient can return to regular cleanings every 6 months.